Our final day in Chicago! Where has our time gone? We got to sleep in just a little bit after our late night last night with the Pennsylvania Lions delegation reception. (We all needed it!) Then we were off this morning to visit the Sears (officially Willis) Tower; previously the tallest building in the world. This was pretty cool, and the view was totally worth the time that we spent in line! From the top of the tower, you could see for miles - it was really amazing.
Following our attempt to reach for the sky, we had our final concert of the trip at the Hines VA Hospital. (Alas, there are no pictures because photography was not allowed in the building.) We performed in a small space, so the jazz band performed and not the concert band. The entire band got in on the action and sang the Armed Forces Salute and God Bless America. Following the performance (which was, of course, a hit) we all had a chance to meet some of the veterans and chat with them. This was a really awesome experience, I think, both for all of us and for the veterans, who seemed to really appreciate our performance.
Then we were back to the city for one last dinner before we head out tomorrow morning. Before going to dinner, we stopped in front of the Art Institute of Chicago and took a picture of the Lions band with one of their Lions statues. There were many Lions taking pictures with the Lion - it seemed that we weren't alone in thinking of it! After our photo, we were off for a fabulous spaghetti dinner, and then back to the hotel for an early night - as we are leaving at 5 am again tomorrow morning.